On Alien Authority and Angelic Mediation
Symposium on Metaphysical Enterprises
Got Psi?
Ancient Egyptian Liberal Arts and Sciences
Fireflies as UFOs, or, Fear of Flying Pt. 2
Controlled Remote Viewing
Paranormal Communication and Instinct: An Asynchronous Chat with Terje Simonsen
How Artificial Neural Networks Paved the Way For A Dramatic New Theory of Dreams
Eric Wargo Beyond the Observer Effect, with Japanese Subtitles
Bridges, Literacy, and Visionary Education
Communion & UFO Epistemology
How the coolest Marvel show jumped a high bar to become one of the worst portrayals of Arabs on TV
A Short History of (Nearly) Everything Paranormal
Paradigms and Perils of Synchronicity, Part 1
Death, Transformation, and the Virtues of Composting
Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious
Haunt the Walk: (Super)Nature Writing, Pt 2
I Understand Philip K. Dick